Thursday, 22 November 2012

Day 6

Hi,   Sorry we have been off air but Internet access is not as good as we had hoped for and for the technical among you Apple and Google systems don't like each other, chuck in the fact that the commands are in Thai :)
Today we started at 5.00 and visited a Tiger Temple, have now fed a baby tiger and played with a full grown 10 year old one, julie wanted to bring a some home for Heather, Becky and Gill :)
We have competed in 3 more very hard test up and down mountain roads with no traffic and some very hard times to match. One car tried a bit to hard and missed a bend completely. Pleased to say the pulled it out of the bushes and it has carried on.
Molly managed all of the test but the last down hill section was a bit hairy with boiled brakes ( shows we were trying)
The results will be out later tonight. Julie has done an amazing job, by the time we had finished the 3 stage she had nearly lost her voice shouting at me.
We have driven 650 Klm today, all along the Burma border, quite stunning.
Over the last 150 Klm Molly suffered from severe petrol starvation. We think this was due to the extreme heat, the very long fast drive and some dodgy Thai petrol. Hopefully she will be ok tomorrow, only 350 Klm tomorrow and only 1 test stage.
We are both very  tired but a glass of wine should fix that.
The mechanics are doing an amazing job keeping some of the other cars going. The only vehicle to be trailered in has been one of their own land rovers :)
Just going to have a look on the Internet to find a car for the round the world rally in 2015 :)
Diner beckons.
On to day 7