The car ran beautifully and the navigation was spot on. Only two wrong turns across Malaysia, Thailand, and Laos. The only wrong turns were again down to driver error :) bit of a theme here :)
There will be a professional DVD coming out and loads of amazing professional photos. We have had a sneak preview and the film and photos really capture the adventure far better than I can.
Molly is now tucked up in the car park waiting to be brought home and a little rest.
In 21 days we have meet some fantastic new friends, stroked and feed tigers, ridden elephants, swam in the sea at the gulf of Thailand, seen some breath taking scenery, had police escorts through Penang, and Chiang Mai driven over 6000 Klm, had dinner in the temple at Angkor Wat, seen terrible poverty but very happy people. We also managed to become Grandparents to Joshua John Paling 😀
It's quite difficult to say all we have seen and done, but we will bore you with it all when we come home.
Thanks must go to the team at H&H for an amazing event and looking after the Rally Virgins, the biggest thanks goes to Julie who navigated us through it all and managed to bring us in 6th overall, and 3rd in our class. Which quite honestly is stunning. The best bit is she wants to go and do some more rallies. That means we need another car 😀
Thank you for reading our blog, sorry it has been so disjointed, never have understood this Internet stuff.
See you in the uk
David, Julie and Molly.