Saturday, 27 October 2012

Molly is just off Singapore, she is nearly there. Its amazing being able to track her journey, assuming she is still on the boat :)

Julie practising her packing

Friday, 26 October 2012

We have just signed a new co-driver, Sean wanted to bring his Aston but we talked him out of it and into a 356 :)
We now have our Cambodia visa, looks great in the passport :)
Had most of our jabs and are going to the gym to get fit. Not sure which is causing the most pain :)
Molly is just off the tip of India.
All going well so far, even worked out how to use the camera and load pictures up onto this blog.
We go on 13th Nov, not long now :)

Molly before we gave her a quick coat of paint

Molly after her coat of paint and new head lights :)