Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The start of the rally is nearly here and just to give you an idea what is involved our 1st day is to drive from Penang to Krabi some 525 kms.

To travel this distance we will have to AVERAGE 75 kph or in English about 45 mph.
The route is laid out in what is known as a Tulip book, Julie has to keep a careful eye on this and tell me where to go (she is quite good at that ;) ).
Just to spice things up we have competition sections along the way.
Today we have to lap a circuit in one direction,  turn around and lap the circuit the other way round and try and do that in exactly the same time !!
Faster or slower than your first time and you get penalty points, less points is the winner. I think a folded fiver in the timekeepers hand may help :)

This is Julies 1st page in the Tulip book, all those drawings represent a different instruction and that page gets us a whole 12.5 Km, only another 512 km to go.
If we are still talking to each other at the end of this rally it will be a minor miracle :)
The weather forecast looks interesting 30 degrees and rain, lets hope the windscreen wipers work :)